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Pay close attention to the implementation of the "eight batches"! Huzhou goes all out to fight the final battle of industry

Release time:2024-08-29click:0
Huzhou City has implemented the provincial work deployment requirements of two special classes to stabilize enterprises, strengthen the main body, and smooth circulation and stabilize industry. In response to the fact that the added value of the city's designated industrial enterprises increased by 1.4% year-on-year in November, the recovery of industry is unstable, and the operation of enterprises is difficult, the city's " The "Three Concentrations, Three Guarantees and Three Implementations" campaign to stabilize enterprises and growth has formulated the "City-wide Work Plan for Deepening Countercyclical Adjustments to Stabilize the Industrial Market in December", highlighting the implementation of "eight batches" and making every effort to win the final battle for industry.
1. Supervise and guide a number of key areas
Continue to use the list of assistance for key enterprises and the list of contributions of enterprises above regulations Eight lists, including the monitoring list for sample enterprises under regulations, as well as the "weekly monitoring, ten-day research and judgment, and monthly reporting" scheduling and management mechanism, consolidate the responsibilities of stabilizing growth at all levels. In December, the city put forward the target task of increasing the added value of industrial enterprises by 5%, which was broken down into districts, counties, towns (parks) and market entities. In mid-to-late December, the city's special team formed a supervision working group to provide supervision services to districts, counties, towns (parks) where it is difficult to complete the target tasks, and met and discussed with the local government and relevant departments to analyze the causes and implement appropriate measures.
2. Visit and serve a number of key enterprises
Implement the three-level responsibilities of the city, district and county, and township (park) We will carry out "one-on-one" visit services to enterprises with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan, provide in-depth assistance and guidance to enterprises, effectively solve practical difficulties in production and operation, promote fast-growing enterprises to make more contributions, and drag down large enterprises. Reduce losses. Give full play to the monitoring role of the industry's "one chain", implement red, yellow and green light warnings for 233 companies with more than 500 million yuan, establish weekly service files for "red light" and "yellow light" companies, and implement "special classes + specialists + special policies" "One-to-one" door-to-door service and the red light rate monitored by the industrial "one-link" continue to be lower than the provincial average.
3. Accelerate the promotion of a number of key projects
Continue to implement the "Ten, Hundred, Thousand" action, cities, districts and counties , townships and towns link up, and are responsible for the production and progress at different levels; carry out visits and inspections of major projects, clear blockages, resolve difficulties, and do their best to generate more investment increments. Accelerate the planning of major manufacturing projects, form a project list, and strengthen the land and funds for major projectsand other factors guaranteed. This year, the city has a total of 83 major manufacturing projects listed in the province, ranking first in the province in number. A total of 18 billion yuan of investment was completed that year, with a completion rate of 108%.
Four. Assist the development of a number of key industries
To deal with the difficulties of low profit margins in textiles, clothing, furniture, etc. industry, implement the "one industry, one policy" assistance working mechanism, make full use of various measures such as exemptions and deferrals, tax reductions and fee reductions, cost reductions and burden reductions, and financial support, and strive to improve the operations of difficult industries; boost new energy vehicles And key components, computer communications and other booming industries will accelerate the release of production capacity. As of now, there are 16 industries with positive added value growth in the city. For example, the added value of the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 135.7% from January to November, driving the overall increase by 9 percentage points.
V. Accelerate the destocking of a batch of product inventory
Expand the coverage of business charter flights and scheduled flights to ensure business throughout the entire process Employees “go out” to expand international markets. We will continue to carry out the "Ten Chains, Hundreds of Events and Ten Thousand Enterprises" series of docking activities to support local small and medium-sized enterprises in participating in government procurement. We successfully organized and held 6 industry chain docking activities, including the National Green Building Materials Going to the Countryside and the Logistics Equipment Industry Chain Stabilizing and Strengthening Foundation Promotion Conference. We organized 617 companies in key industry chains to participate in the docking, and reached 83 docking intention projects, with the amount (including Financing) 5.85 billion yuan.
6. Focus on ensuring a group of energy needs
In view of the peak electricity consumption at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, strengthen the city's industrial energy Guaranteed supply and stable price. We will improve the "white list" of enterprises that contribute a lot to growth, contribute a lot to exports, and are related to the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, and give priority to ensuring the production and use of electricity for key enterprises. From December 1st to 15th, the city’s industrial electricity consumption increased by 1.5% compared with the same period last month.
7. Quickly enjoy the policy of benefiting a group of enterprises directly
Increase the support for "Huzhou City's Economic Stability and Quality Improvement" The publicity and implementation of policies such as "Seven Opinions" and "Huzhou City's Policy Opinions on Supporting Enterprises to Stabilize Production, Expand Markets and Expand Investment to Help "A Steady and Good Start"" ensure that everyone is aware of the policies that benefit enterprises. Accelerate the allocation of the fourth batch of municipal industrial development funds, draw up the list of the fifth batch of funds, and deepen the activities such as the "Burden Reduction and Warm Enterprise Promotion Week" so that the majority of enterprises can enjoy the policy dividends. Up to now, the reduction of corporate burdens has been completed23.54 billion yuan.
8. Coordinate and resolve a number of issues and demands
Deepen the "Three Concentrations, Three Guarantees and Three Implementations to Stabilize Enterprises and Stable Growth" The action effective mechanism strengthens the closed loop of "assignment, resolution, and feedback" of corporate appeals. Strengthen support for enterprises in terms of stabilizing employment, retaining employees, and financing needs, helping enterprises to reduce shutdowns and increase production. So far, 10,123 cadres in the city have participated in the visits, visited 28,376 enterprises (projects), and received a total of 17,484 complaints, with a resolution rate of 99.7%. Among them, city leaders took the lead in solving 470 problems.

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